There are 140 discrete color names listed in the
HTML Reference List that
are supported by the Netscape Navigator.
However, while the names might be discrete, the colours are not
always detectably different.
I have modified this list by: eliminating the duplication, simplifying the coding,
and rearranging the order, all to make your colour selection easier.
I really hope nobody minds.
110022 (Blue-Black)(4) |
110066 MidnightBlue |
110088 Navy |
1100AA Dark Blue |
1100CC MediumBlue |
1100EE Blue |
444499 DarkSlateBlue |
440099 Indigo |
4466DD RoyalBlue |
6655CC SlateBlue |
7766EE MediumSlateBlue |
2299EE DodgerBlue |
11CCEE DeepSkyBlue |
88CCFF Sky Blue,LightSkyBlue |
6688EE CornFlowerBlue |
558888 SteelBlue |
668899 CadetBlue |
99CCCC LightSteelBlue |
BBEEEE LightBlue,Lavender |
CCEEFF Light Cyan |
00CCDD Dark Turq. |
44DDCC Turquoise |
77CCCC Medium Turq. |
AAEEFF Pale Turq. |
66DDAA Med Aquamarine |
66EEBB Aquamarine |
00EEFF Cyan, Aqua |
008877 Teal, Dk.Cyan |
22AA99 Light SeaGreen |
00EE99 Medium SpringGreen |
338866 SeaGreen |
008811 GREEN |
006611 Dark Green |
229922 Forest Green |
77EE00 lawnGreen/Chartreuse |
00FF00 Lime |
00FF66 SpringGreen |
33CC22 LimeGreen |
88BB88 Dark SeaGreen |
99CC22 YellowGreen |
44BB66 Medium SeaGreen |
668833 OliveDrab |
556622 DarkOliveGreen |
888811 Olive |
AAFF22 GreenYellow |
FFEE00 Yellow |
CC8833 GoldenRod |
FFCC00 Gold |
EEEE99 Khaki |
BBCC66 DarkKhaki |
EEEEFF White(2) |
EEEEBB LightYellow(1) |
FFCCAA NavajoWhite |
DDCC88 Tan, BurlyWood |
FFCCCC Pink(3) |
EE9988 LightCoral |
FF6666 Coral |
FF6644 Tomato |
FF8866 Salmon |
FFAA00 Orange |
FF4400 OrangeRed |
FF0000 Red |
CC5566 IndianRed |
992222 Brown, Firebrick |
990000 DarkRed |
DD0044 Crimson |
CC6611 Chocolate |
884411 SaddleBrown |
BB8888 RosyBrown |
880011 Maroon |
FFAA66 SandyBrown |
996622 Sienna |
CC8833 Peru |
DD88CC Plum |
8822DD BlueViolet, DarkOrchid |
881188 Purple, DarkMagenta |
9900CC DarkViolet |
9966EE MedPurple |
CC66DD Orchid |
BB66CC MedOrchid |
DD6688 PaleViolRed |
EE99EE Violet |
CC1188 MedViolRed |
FF00EE Magenta, Fuschia |
FF2288 DeepPink |
FF66CC HotPink |
CCCCBB Silver,Thistle,LtGray |
AAAA99 DarkGray |
778888 Gray, SlateGray |
666677 DimGray |
7788AA LtSlateGrey |
226655 DkSlateGrey |
(1) In Netscape, 'Beige', 'Cornsilk', 'BlanchedAlmond',
'LightGolden RodYellow', 'AntiqueWhite', 'LemonChiffon' and 'PapayaWhip'.
all appear to be identical to 'LIGHT YELLOW'.
(2) In Netscape, 'AliceBlue', 'Azure', 'FloralWhite', 'GhostWhite', 'Honeydew',
'Snow', 'Ivory', 'Linen', 'Lavender Blush', 'MintCream', 'SeaShell', 'OldLace'
and 'WhiteSmoke' all appear to be identical TO 'WHITE'.
(3) In Netscape, 'LightPink', 'Bisque', 'MistyRose', 'Moccasin', 'Peachpuff'
and 'Wheat', all appear to be identical TO 'PINK'.
(4) The name 'Blue-black' is not in the HTML Reference List.
SIMPLIFIED CODING: Since each colour extends over a wide range of address codes,
it is easier to adopt simpler codes where there are never more than three different
digits. The matching of the simple coding to the original codes in the HTML Reference
was done on Netscape(3.02 and 4.5). When I checked with the Microsoft Explorer (3.02), I
found that, especially amongst the lighter colours, the matches were not always right.
Someday, I'm going to have to do something about that!
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First Created-16 January 1999. Last Modified 27 January 2000
Yet Another Continuing Project