The colour of background or text in HTML is coded by a 6-digit hexadecimal number.
The first pair of digits determine the red content, the second the green and the third the blue
content. "00" is a minimum and "FF" a maximum. Black, having zero colour, is coded by "000000",
while white, with the maximum of all three colours, is coded by "FFFFFF". Any colour with six
identical digits (except "0" or "F") is a grey with equal amounts of the three colours.
The fact that a particular colour is coded by these three bases means that it can be regarded
as a particular address within a three dimensional cube - the dimensions being, of course, red,
green and blue.
In order to see how the colours changed I have prepared a set of eight panes in this page in
which the red value is constant in each pane, the green value increasing, in steps of 22, down
the columns and the blue value increasing across from left to right. The panes are arranged so
that the red value increases down the page.
You can see how the colours change (which I find fascinating); you can also see how they don't.
Go to near the bottom of this page for a bit more on that.
There are 140 discrete colour names listed in the
COLD FUSION HTML Reference List that are supported by the Netscape Navigator.
As you will see, there are many distinct colours that go unnamed, and there are many names
that are redundant. For instance, there are thirteen colours, the codes for which produce
a shade indistinguishable from white! These, and others, leave a list of about 98 names
for different colours.
Another complication is that the same code can produce different results in different browsers.
If you code a colour by name it is important how you type it. For instance, if you type
'mediumvioletred' that is what you'll get, but if you type 'medium violet red' (with the words
separated) you'll get limegreen! Don't ask me why. Uppercase letters don't seem to matter;
spaces do.
Spelling can also be important; It's 'gray', 'darkgray', 'dimgray', but 'lightgrey'! Again ask
me not why. The whole colour naming convention is a ludicrous mess.
110000 black |
110022 (blueblack) |
110044 | 110066 midnight blue |
110088 darkblue |
1100AA | 1100CC medium blue |
1100EE blue |
112200 | 112222 | 112244 | 112266 | 112288 | 1122AA | 1122CC | 1122EE |
114400 | 114422 | 114444 | 114466 | 114488 | 1144AA | 1144CC | 1144EE |
116600 darkgreen |
116622 | 116644 | 116666 | 116688 | 1166AA | 1166CC | 1166EE |
118800 green |
118822 | 118844 | 118866 | 118888 teal |
1188AA | 1188CC steel blue |
1188EE |
11AA00 | 11AA22 | 11AA44 | 11AA66 | 11AA88 | 11AAAA | 11AACC steel blue |
11AAEE |
11CC00 | 11CC22 | 11CC44 | 11CC66 | 11CC88 | 11CCAA | 11CCCC dark turquoise |
11CCEE |
11EE00 lime |
11EE22 lime |
11EE44 lime |
11EE66 spring green |
11EE88 | 11EEAA | 11EECC | 11EEEE cyan, aqua |
330000 | 330022 | 330044 | 330066 | 330088 | 3300AA | 3300CC | 3300EE |
332200 | 332222 | 332244 | 332266 | 332288 dark slateblue |
3322AA dark slateblue |
3322CC | 3322EE |
334400 | 334422 | 334444 | 334466 | 334488 dark slateblue |
3344AA dark slatebLue |
3344CC | 3344EE |
336600 | 336622 | 336644 | 336666 dark slategray |
336688 | 3366AA | 3366CC royalblue |
3366EE |
338800 | 338822 forest green |
338844 forest green |
338866 seagreen |
338888 light seagreen |
3388AA light seagreen |
3388CC steel blue |
3388EE dodgerblue |
33AA00 | 33AA22 forest green |
33AA44 forest green |
33AA66 seagreen |
33AA88 light seagreen |
33AAAA light seagreen |
33AACC steel blue |
33AAEE dodgerblue |
33CC00 | 33CC22 limegreen |
33CC44 limegreen |
33CC66 | 33CC88 | 33CCAA | 33CCCC deep skyblue |
33CCEE |
33EE00 lime |
33EE22 lime |
33EE44 lime |
33EE66 spring green |
33EE88 medium springgreen |
33EEAA medium springgreen |
33EECC | 33EEEE cyan, aqua |
550000 | 550022 | 550044 | 550066 | 550088 | 5500AA | 5500CC | 5500EE |
552200 | 552222 | 552244 | 552266 | 552288 | 5522AA | 5522CC | 5522EE |
554400 | 554422 | 554444 | 554466 | 554488 | 5544AA | 5544CC | 5544EE |
556600 | 556622 dark olivegreen |
556644 dark olivegreen |
556666 | 556688 | 5566AA | 5566CC slateblue |
5566EE medium slateblue |
558800 | 558822 olivedrab |
558844 olivedrab |
558866 | 558888 cadetblue |
5588AA cadetblue |
5588CC | 5588EE cornflower blue |
55AA00 | 55AA22 olivedrab |
55AA44 olivedrab |
55AA66 | 55AA88 cadetblue |
55AAAA cadetblue |
55AACC | 55AAEE cornflower blue |
55CC00 | 55CC22 | 55CC44 | 55CC66 | 55CC88 medium aquamarine |
55CCAA medium aquamarine |
55CCCC | 55CCEE |
55EE00 chartreuse |
55EE22 chartreuse |
55EE44 chartreuse |
55EE66 | 55EE88 | 55EEAA | 55EECC aquamarine |
55EEEE |
770000 darkred |
770022 | 770044 | 770066 | 770088 purple |
7700AA | 7700CC | 7700EE |
772200 | 772222 | 772244 | 772266 | 772288 | 7722AA | 7722CC | 7722EE |
774400 | 774422 | 774444 | 774466 | 774488 | 7744AA | 7744CC | 7744EE |
776600 | 776622 dark olivegreen |
776644 dark olivegreen |
776666 | 776688 | 7766AA slateblue |
7766CC | 7766EE medium slateblue |
778800 olive |
778822 olivedrab |
778844 olivedrab |
778866 | 778888 grey |
7788AA cadetblue |
7788CC | 7788EE cornflower blue |
77AA00 | 77AA22 olivedrab |
77AA44 olivedrab |
77AA66 | 77AA88 cadetblue |
77AAAA cadetblue |
77AACC | 77AAEE cornflower blue |
77CC00 | 77CC22 | 77CC44 | 77CC66 | 77CC88 medium aquamarine |
77CCAA medium aquamarine |
77CCCC turquoise |
77CCEE |
77EE00 chartreuse |
77EE22 chartreuse |
77EE44 chartreuse |
77EE66 | 77EE88 | 77EEAA | 77EECC aquamarine |
77EEEE |
990000 darkred |
990022 | 990044 | 990066 | 990088 | 9900AA | 9900CC dark violet |
9900EE |
992200 saddle brown |
992222 brown |
992244 brown |
992266 | 992288 | 9922AA | 9922CC blue violet |
9922EE |
994400 saddle brown |
994422 brown |
994444 brown |
994466 | 994488 | 9944AA | 9944CC blue violet |
9944EE |
996600 | 996622 sienna |
996644 sienna |
996666 | 996688 | 9966AA | 9966CC medium purple |
9966EE |
998800 | 998822 | 998844 | 998866 | 998888 | 9988AA | 9988CC | 9988EE |
99AA00 | 99AA22 | 99AA44 | 99AA66 | 99AA88 | 99AAAA | 99AACC | 99AAEE |
99CC00 yellow green |
99CC22 yellow green |
99CC44 yellow green |
99CC66 | 99CC88 dark seagreen |
99CCAA dark seagreen |
99CCCC |
99CCEE light steelblue |
99EE00 green yellow |
99EE22 green yellow |
99EE44 green yellow |
99EE66 | 99EE88 palegreen |
99EEAA palegreen |
99EECC | 99EEEE pale turquoise |
BB0000 | BB0022 crimson |
BB0044 crimson |
BB0066 | BB0088 medium violetred |
BB00AA medium violetred |
BB00CC | BB00EE |
BB2200 | BB2222 | BB2244 | BB2266 | BB2288 | BB22AA | BB22CC | BB22EE |
BB4400 | BB4422 | BB4444 | BB4466 | BB4488 | BB44AA | BB44CC | BB44EE |
BB6600 | BB6622 chocolate |
BB6644 chocolate |
BB6666 indianred |
BB6688 pale violetred |
BB66AA pale violetred |
BB66CC orchid |
BB66EE |
BB8800 | BB8822 | BB8844 | BB8866 | BB8888 rosy brown |
BB88AA rosy brown |
BB88CC plum |
BB88EE |
BBAA00 | BBAA22 | BBAA44 | BBAA66 | BBAA88 rosy brown |
BBAAAA dark gray |
BBAACC plum |
BBCC00 | BBCC22 | BBCC44 | BBCC66 dark khaki |
BBCC88 tan |
BBCCAA tan |
BBCCCC light grey |
BBCCEE light skyblue |
BBEE00 | BBEE22 | BBEE44 | BBEE66 | BBEE88 | BBEEAA | BBEECC | BBEEEE lightblue |
DD0000 | DD0022 crimson |
DD0044 crimson |
DD0066 | DD0088 medium violetred |
DD00AA medium violetred |
DD00CC | DD00EE |
DD2200 | DD2222 | DD2244 | DD2266 | DD2288 | DD22AA | DD22CC | DD22EE |
DD4400 | DD4422 | DD4444 | DD4466 | DD4488 | DD44AA | DD44CC | DD44EE |
DD6600 | DD6622 chocolate |
DD6644 chocolate |
DD6666 indianred |
DD6688 pale violetred |
DD66AA pale violetred |
DD66CC orchid |
DD66EE |
DD8800 dark goldenrod |
DD8822 goldenrod |
DD8844 goldenrod |
DD8866 | DD8888 rosy brown |
DD88AA rosy brown |
DD88CC plum |
DD88EE |
DDAA00 dark goldenrod |
DDAA22 goldenrod |
DDAA44 goldenrod |
DDAA66 | DDAA88 rosy brown |
DDAAAA rosy brown |
DDAACC plum |
DDCC00 | DDCC22 | DDCC44 | DDCC66 dark khaki |
DDCC88 tan |
DDCCAA tan |
DDCCCC light grey |
DDEE00 | DDEE22 | DDEE44 | DDEE66 | DDEE88 | DDEEAA | DDEECC | DDEEEE light blue |
FF0000 red |
FF0022 | FF0044 | FF0066 | FF0088 | FF00AA | FF00CC | FF00EE magenta |
FF2200 orange red |
FF2222 | FF2244 | FF2266 | FF2288 deep pink |
FF22AA deep pink |
FF22CC | FF22EE |
FF4400 orange red |
FF4422 | FF4444 | FF4466 | FF4488 deep pink |
FF44AA deep pink |
FF44CC | FF44EE |
FF6600 | FF6622 tomato |
FF6644 tomato |
FF6666 coral |
FF6688 | FF66AA | FF66CC hotpink |
FF66EE |
FF8800 orange |
FF8822 orange |
FF8844 orange |
FF8866 salmon |
FF8888 | FF88AA | FF88CC | FF88EE violet |
FFAA00 orange |
FFAA22 orange |
FFAA44 orange |
FFAA66 salmon |
FFCC00 gold |
FFCC22 gold |
FFCC44 gold |
FFCC66 | FFCC88 navajo white |
FFCCAA navajo white |
FFCCCC pink |
FFEE00 yellow |
FFEE22 yellow |
FFEE44 yellow |
FFEE66 | FFEE88 khaki |
FFEEAA khaki |
FFEECC light yellow |
FFEEEE lavender |
DD4444 | 444944 | DD4A44 | DD4C44 | DD4D44 | DD4E44 | DD4F44 | DD6644 |
Two further pages present the same cube from the GREEN and
BLUE perspectives respectively.
Also take a look at our HTML COLORS,
There are many, many web pages dealing with colour in HTML.
One search for "html, color" yielded over 7700 hits. "html, colour"
yielded 630 different sites. "color, html" yielded nothing obviously relevant.
Lists 480 colours alphabetically and only the font is coloured.
Shows about 410 colours by sytematic changes in code.
[rather like mine but not nearly as beautiful :-)] From Desktop Publishing
Much the same as the previous. From Electronic Publishing on the WWW.
From Compuweb; an alphabetical listing illustrated with blocks of colour.
A short collection of colours with simple 3-digit coding.
List the 140 discrete possible colour names used
by Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer.
Simple Codes in appropriately coloured fonts.
Lists all 540 Colours by name and code.
Hexadecimal Color Codes for HTML
Short list of 65 colours. Coloured fonts only.
Any questions, comments, suggestions etc., can be addressed to me at:
Now or later at:
Essay on M.E./C.F.S./C.F.I.D.S.***
My Poem
John Meade Falkner Photographs & Biography***
HTML Colours, Names and Codes
A Center for Stamp Collectors***
Genealogy Central
***Science & Creationism***
Science & Skepticism***
***Opinions: Sites with Attitude***
***Home Pages of the Search Engines***
Computer & Net Aids***
A Continuing Project. Last Modified 27 December, 2002